Good day all. Hope you have a super day. Oh boy did we have some strange weather here last night. Thunder and then hail and sleet. And it stayed rather than melt away. So all frosty out there now. Poor Jingles doesn't much care for this change to his little world. He has been going around all morning meowing about it. Poor little guy just doesn't understand.
Well I got alot of toppers done yesterday now to get them onto some cards. And I have my paints here by the computer to work on some more while I am surfing the net.
Hope you all have a lovely day where ever you are. Big hugs!!!
Well I got alot of toppers done yesterday now to get them onto some cards. And I have my paints here by the computer to work on some more while I am surfing the net.
Hope you all have a lovely day where ever you are. Big hugs!!!